Achieve lifelong
weight health through behavior change

The Essential GLP-1 Companion Program

Support your population across the medication lifecycle.

Support members considering GLP-1s with expert coaching.
Who Should be Prescribed GLP-1s for Weight Loss? 
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Bolster weight loss with holistic lifestyle and exercise support.
Tailor guidance for healthier body composition during and after GLP-1 use.
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The Essential GLP-1 Companion Program


Support members taking or considering GLP-1s with expert coaching.

Members enjoy a personal relationship with their care team founded in proactive and human-led care.


Bolster weight loss with holistic lifestyle and exercise support.

Tackle barriers to change across food, activity, behavioral health and medication assistance.


Tailored guidance for healthier body composition during and after GLP-1 use.

Members receive ongoing support with learning paths, peer support communities and biometrics tracking.

Embedded Care Across Cardiometabolic Conditions

The GLP-1 Care Track is offered with all cardiometabolic programs. Both weight health and behavioral health tools are core to our Prevention, Diabetes and Hypertension programs.

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Clinical-Grade Lifestyle Support

Omada’s behavior change expertise has been honed over 13 years of helping 1 million+ members manage chronic conditions, like obesity. We believe that effective GLP-1 use starts with appropriate primary care oversight from one’s own doctor and continues with a robust companion program.

Exercise Guidance

Balanced exercise plan to build and maintain lean body mass.

Behavioral Health Tools

Evidence-based approaches and self-help techniques rooted in cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness.

Medication Assistance

Care teams trained on effective GLP-1 use and how to manage side effects.

Personalized Care

One dedicated health coach and access to a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES) for diabetes and hypertension members.

Food and Activity Coaching

Caloric guidance focused on nutrient density and individualized eating habits.

Education & Community

Tailored weight health learning path and GLP-1 peer support communities.

Omada Health

Omada Health

Proven Outcomes

Omada partnered with a national pharmacy benefit manager on a retrospective analysis of Omada engagement with GLP-1 use and weight loss. 

  • Members who were more engaged in Omada for Prevention lost 1.7x the weight compared to the 18% of those who used these medications and had limited engagement in the program.

  • Meaningfully engaged Omada members took 5x more in-app actions than limited engagement members.

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GLP-1 Resources


Omada Works Different